Disconnect All Menu Item

Viscosity Menu Icon Packs, Two-Factor Scripts, & OpenVPN Config Tool


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Post by Eric » Mon Dec 09, 2013 3:55 pm
Hi All,

A common request, especially from those with a large number of connections, is the ability to disconnect all active connection without having to hunt through the menu for the ones that are connected. We're pleased to say, there is an easy solution for this!

Attached to this post is a custom menu item that will work with Viscosity Windows 1.4.6 and up that will allow you to disconnect all active connections with one click. Simply extract it to C:\Program Files\Viscosity\Resources. This uses the Viscosity scripting system.

For more information about scripting and menu items, please see the following articles:


If you have any queries about scripting on bundling in general, please feel free to start a new thread in our support forums or contact us at https://www.sparklabs.com/support/#contact


Disconnect Menu Item
(1.23 KiB) Downloaded 5168 times
Eric Thorpe
Viscosity Developer

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